Born in the city of Santiago, Dominican Republic, Luchy comes from a musical family. Luisanna Hernandez has a passion for the arts as of a very young age. Her first musical steps were taken when she joined the chorus at her school, El Instituto Evangélico. This is when she felt the desire to become a professional singer and the dream of becoming a huge star. Luchy is the niece of well known pianist and pioneer Belkis Concepción who was one of the original creators of an all female merengue group called “Las Chicas Del Can”. Luchy has had the opportunity to collaborate with various artist of her native country within the urban market. Luchy is not only a professional singer, she is an actress and songwriter, which allows her to not only write songs for herself but also for other up and coming artist as well as established artist. Luchy currently is promoting her new single Dile A Tu Orgullo off her album Diamante Real that includes the hit Me Mata El Deseo. Also you can enjoy the instrumental version of the album “Diamantes Instrumentales Edicion limitada. AQUOS MUSIC Luchy DR proveniente de una familia músical, atesora su pasión por el arte desde que era una adolescente. Sus primeros pasos musicales los dio en el coro de su colegio, el Instituto Evangélico. Sobrina de la reconocida pianista Belkis Concepción, Luchy, es autora de todas sus canciones, además le ha escrito a otros artistas. Disfrutar su disco Diamante Real y Diamantes Instrumentales Edicion Limitada.